We appreciate all donations. No amount is too small, every dollar helps, it all adds up.
If you would prefer to give a General Donation to our rescue, or to designate your donation to be used where it is needed most, we would be very grateful.
We currently feed 10 - 11 round bales of coastal hay per week as the staple diet for our rescue horses. We prefer to keep grass hay in front of them at all times, which helps keep their digestive tracts functioning as nature intended, as well as helps guard against ulcers. Round bale prices change frequently, especially during drought and the winter. This year is the second year in a row that we have a hay shortage due to having no rain, worsening drought and high fuel prices. To add insult to injury, many are gouging on prices. Current prices per horse quality round bale is $145 to $175. Insanely high priced!
Please consider donating to help us buy round bales. We appreciate it very much.
We currently feed 45lb - 50lb coastal hay square bales as the staple diet to feed the rescue horses in the barn. We prefer to keep grass hay in front of the horses at all times, Square bale prices change frequently, especially during drought and the winter. Our current supplier is selling these bales to us for $16.75 each. This year's severe drought has made it difficult to find good quality square bales, and the high fuel prices have us paying double for them.
Please consider donating toward square bales. We appreciate it very much
Since the fuel prices rose sharply last year, the price for alfalfa has skyrocketed. We are now paying $43 for a 100 pound bale of California grown alfalfa.
We usually only feed alfalfa to our rescue horses who are recovering from illness, for those that came to us underweight, for hard keepers, senior horses , lactating mares and for weanlings and yearlings.
Please consider donating toward an alfalfa bale. We appreciate it very much.
Sadly, feed prices keep rising and our donations are so low, we now are only feeding bagged feed to those that really need to have it, such as our seniors, our babies, growing youngsters, lactating mares and hard keepers.
We have found some quality feed at Longhorn S Feed for $17.98 a bag. We would be most grateful if you would consider donating toward the purchase of some feed.
We currently use 47 paste dewormers every 8 weeks, rotating dewormer active ingredients. Paste dewormers range in price from $7.99 to $16.99. Please consider donating some paste dewormers today. We appreciate it very much.
We assume that all horses that come to us will be in need of vaccinations. To save money, we order our vaccinations online and administer them ourselves. The cost of the EWT+West Nile is $39.99 each. We do have to get Rabies vaccine administered by our veterinarian, as Texas state law does not allow us to purchase and administer Rabies vaccine. Our veterinarian charges us $20 each for Rabies vaccinations. Our veterinarian's farm call service charge is $100. Please consider donating for vaccinations for one or more horses. We appreciate it very much.
We use supplements as needed, for the horses that require extra supplemental help. Pictured, is our most frequently used supplements. They range in price from $4.69 to $32.99.
Please consider donating a supplement. We appreciate it very much.
Donations for supplements - $0.00
We feed milk replacer to the foals we rescue. Many of the foals are taken from their mothers when they are too young to survive on their own without mother's milk or milk replacer. The price for milk replacer is $24.99.
The majority of adult horses that we rescue, come to us in need of teeth floating. Floating the teeth helps the horses chew thoroughly and absorb nutrients. When teeth are in need of floating, a horse can lose weight even though they are consuming more than enough calories. Having teeth floated actually saves on the amount of hay and feed needed to sustain adequate weight. Our veterinarian charges $250 for teeth floating. Please consider donating for a horse to have their teeth floated. We appreciate it very much.
Donations received for teeth floats/dental needs - $0.00
We frequently have horses come to our rescue that have pain they are experiencing, which requires a chiropractor or an osteopath to realign their body. We are currently using a wonderful osteopath named Jaime Longbrake, who has greatly helped those who needed her services the most. Current cost for the osteopathy/chiropractic adjustments is $180 per horse. Please consider donating for a horse in need, to receive an adjustment. We appreciate it very much.
Donations received for chiropractic - $0.00
We try to provide our horses at the rescue, with routine hoofcare. Many of the rescued horses come to us with hooves in very poor shape. Being mindful of expense, we try to only have hooves trimmed, and limit providing shoes for those that cannot function comfortably without shoes. Our current price for hoof trims is $40, a half set of shoes (front shoes only) are $70 and a full set of shoes are $95. We rarely receive donations for hoofcare. Please consider donating for farrier care. We really appreciate it very much.
Donations received for hoofcare - $0.00
Texas law requires each equine to have a valid EIA/Coggins test annually, to monitor for Equine Infectious Anemia. Our veterinarian's farm call service charge is $100 and EIA/Coggins testing is $50 each. Please consider donating for EIA/Coggins test. We appreciate it very much.
Donations received for EIA (Coggins) - $0.00
At Palomino Ridge Ranch Horse Rescue, we have years of experience taking care of injured and sick horses, as well as rehabilitating horses that have various lameness issues. There are times when we simply cannot prevent having to call our veterinarian for help. The cost of veterinary care for injuries or colic can be very high. We would like to establish an Emergency Fund to provide for situations that we cannot treat ourselves. Please consider donating to the Emergency Fund. We appreciate it very much.